Resources 0-12 months
Healthy Development From Birth to 12 Months
The first year of a baby’s life is a time of rapid growth and development. During this period, parents and caregivers play a crucial role in nurturing their child’s well-being, brain development, language skills, and social-emotional growth. The resources in this section are designed to support you as you engage with your infant, providing insights and practical tips to help you create a loving, stimulating environment that promotes healthy development from birth to 12 months. Whether you’re looking for guidance on brain-building activities or advice on supporting emotional well-being, these resources will help you lay a strong foundation for your baby’s future.
Behavior and Well-Being
- Maximize Love, Minimize Stress – tips from The Basics on how to manage the stress of parenting young children
Brain Development
- Brain Wonders: Nurturing Healthy Brain Development – 6-minute video from Zero to Three
- Building Babies’ Brains Through Play: Mini Parenting Master Class – a short video about engaging with young children through play
- How To Build A Baby’s Brain – This report contains tips on how to talk more with your baby as a way to build a strong brain.
- Understanding Brain Development in Babies and Toddlers – From Zero to Three, this article explains brain development and what parents can do to promote brain growth.
Language Development
- 12 Ways to Support Language Development for Infants and Toddlers – short article by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Social Emotional Development
- Learning Through Play: Birth to 12 Months – This website provides information and activities for fostering development through play.
General Resources
- Bright by Text – Free text messages with conversation starters, bonding activities, games, social–emotional development tips, and more.
- Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers – Resources from the CDC that includes expert advice, videos, and quick tips
- Explore Through Movement and Play – Tips from The Basics on fostering curiosity, discovery, and physical activity.
- The Daily Vroom App – The app sends daily tips for parenting and engaging with young children.