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Technology Hub

Technology offers both opportunities and challenges for children. When used appropriately, it can support learning, creativity, and problem-solving. However, balanced use is key, with limited screen time and active play. This section provides guidance for parents to make informed decisions about technology for their child’s healthy development.

Birth to 12 Months

How Much Screen Time Is OK for My Kids? – Guidelines on how much screen time by age ranges from the American Association of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization.

How Much Screen Time Is OK for My Kids? – Guidelines on how much screen time by age ranges from the American Association of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization.

1 to 3 Years

Develop a Family Media Plan – This tool helps families develop a media plan that is based on the ages of your family members.

Be a Role Model: 4 Ways to Balance Screen Time Around Children – This article helps adults understand how they can model appropriate screen time.

How Much Screen Time Is OK for My Kids? – Guidelines on how much screen time by age ranges from the American Association of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization.

Be a Role Model: 4 Ways to Balance Screen Time Around Children – This article helps adults understand how they can model appropriate screen time.

3 to 5 Years

How to Share Screen Time Rules with Relatives, Babysitters, and Other Caregivers – Tips for setting tech boundaries with your children’s caregivers.

Screen Time for Kids – Guidance from Common Sense Media about screen time for children; links to other articles on screen time at the bottom of the page.

Develop a Family Media Plan – This tool helps families develop a media plan that is based on the ages of your family members.

Be a Role Model: 4 Ways to Balance Screen Time Around Children – This article helps adults understand how they can model appropriate screen time.

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